Indigo Rhythms, Inc. is a 501c3 non-profit organization (status pending).
Indigo Rhythms hosts workshops and seminars to empower others to do the kind of healing work that we do, as we continue to seek out individuals whom we can mentor and align with to add to our team.
One of our main goals at Indigo Rhythms, is to teach others to tap into their own innate abilities to heal. We all have this ability to help bring balance to ourselves and the world around us.
We teach rescuers about self care, animal care and environmental care, and the importance of their own health and how it relates to their care for others. We educate them about the trauma that is not only the result of violence, but also the root cause. And we train them to do the same healing work that we are doing, in order to continue the healing process even after we are gone. We teach pet owners and veterinarians about how dis-ease is related to the energies of the entire animal matrix.
Through hands-on exercises, we show how animals often present themselves as mirrors to our own issues that need to be healed. We teach about the interconnectedness of all things and how the healing work we do on ourselves, affects the healing sessions we hold for others, which in turn, heals us in the process. We offer workshops to the public that teaches all of our own resources. And we seek out individuals who are being called to do the same work along this path. We mentor these individuals, so that we might eventually align forces with them, to set up other healing centers around the globe.
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Indigo Rhythms specializes in working with animal rescues, as well as people and their pets, bringing balance and healing energies to
the entire family matrix.
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Indigo Rhythms hosts workshops and seminars to empower others to do the kind of healing work that we do, as we continue to seek out individuals whom we can mentor and align with to add to our team.
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Our 6-day retreats focus on individuals who want to do deep healing work for themselves. We also offer group retreats for rescue organizations.
Click here to read more.
At Indigo Rhythms, we educate the public about what we do, why we do it, how it works and the impact it has on the groups we work with.
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